Discover the Magic of Calvillo: Aguascalientes’ Best-Kept Secret

Calvillo, Aguascalientes – August 27, 2024 – Surrounded by the Sierra Fria mountains, the Magical Town of Calvillo is the answer to every traveler’s search for unique cultural experiences, history, and natural beauty in Mexico. Recognized as one of Mexico’s Pueblos Mágicos since 2012, Calvillo invites travelers to experience all it has to offer, from the breathtaking waterfalls of Los Alisos and Ciénega to the historic grandeur of its former haciendas. Whether you’re exploring the town’s cultural heritage or indulging in its famous guava-based delicacies, Calvillo promises an unforgettable journey.

A Town Steeped in History and Tradition

Calvillo owes its name to its benefactor, atribute to the legacy that has shaped the town’s identity. The town’s origins trace back to a congregation of Nahua Indians in San José de Huejúcar, a name that fittingly means “place of willows.” This serene setting within the mountains has long been a place of sanctuary and spiritual reflection.

One of the town’s most significant landmarks is the majestic dome of the Church of Our Lord of Saltpeter, the second largest in Latin America. This architectural marvel not only represents the town’s religious devotion but also serves as a guardian of Calvillo’s deep-rooted traditions. The annual patron saint festival, dedicated to El Señor del Salitre, is a highlight of the town’s cultural calendar. Celebrated in May, with Ascension Thursday as the main day, this event brings the community together in a vibrant display of faith and festivity.

Natural Wonders and Historic Haciendas

For those seeking a slice of paradise on earth, the waterfalls of Los Alisos and Ciénega offer a thoughtful escape into nature. These cascading waters, surrounded by lush greenery, provide the perfect backdrop for outdoor adventures and moments of tranquility. Families love the Malpaso Dam, a popular spot for picnicking and recreational activities out in nature.

Calvillo’s story continues through its former haciendas, such as La Labor and El Sauz. These historic estates stand as reminders of the town’s agricultural past, offering visitors a glimpse into the region’s history and the lives of those who once called these grand properties home. Today, these haciendas are preserved as cultural landmarks, inviting travelers to explore the richness of Calvillo’s heritage.

A Feast for the Senses: Guava Delights and the Guava Fair

No visit to Calvillo would be complete without indulging in its most famous export: guava. This fragrant fruit is the star of the region, playing a central role in the town’s economy and culinary traditions. With over 4,500 producers between Calvillo and neighboring Zacatecas, guava production is a vital industry that supports countless families.

Visitors can savor the taste of Calvillo in its many guava-based products, from traditional sweets like guava jelly rolls and empanadas to more modern creations like guava mole and guava beer. These delicacies can be found in local establishments, where the air is filled with the unmistakable aroma of fresh guava. For those interested in learning more about the production process, Fruitland offers tours of their facilities, providing an educational and cultural experience that deepens appreciation for this beloved fruit.

The importance of guava to Calvillo is celebrated each year at the Guava Fair, held during the first fifteen days of December. This lively event transforms the town into a festive wonderland, with mechanical games, bullfights, cockfights, and sporting events drawing crowds from near and far. The fair also features nightly musical performances in the Main Plaza, adding to the cheerful atmosphere. A highlight of the Guava Fair is the crowning of the festival queen, a tradition that marks the beginning of the celebrations and underscores the town’s deep connection to its agricultural roots.

Cultural Heritage Preserved at the National Museum of Magical Towns

Calvillo is not only a gateway to natural wonders and historic sites but also a custodian of Mexico’s cultural heritage. The town is home to the National Museum of Magical Towns, a unique institution dedicated to preserving the folklore, gastronomy, traditions, and crafts of Mexico’s 177 Pueblos Mágicos. The museum’s exhibits showcase the diverse heritage of these towns, with representative pieces grouped into natural, tangible, and intangible categories.

Visitors to the museum can explore the magic of Mexico through its towns, beginning with an introductory hall that sets the stage for the journey ahead. Subsequent rooms highlight the heritage of Aguascalientes, with a particular focus on Calvillo’s cultural treasures. The exhibits not only provide a deeper understanding of the region’s history but also celebrate the vibrant traditions that make each Pueblo Mágico unique.

Celebrate Tradition and Culture in Calvillo

Calvillo is a town where tradition and culture come alive, offering visitors a chance to experience the magic of Mexico in a setting that is both welcoming and rich in history. Whether you’re exploring the town’s natural wonders, participating in its vibrant festivals, or delving into its cultural heritage at the National Museum of Magical Towns, Calvillo promises a journey filled with discovery and delight. Visit Calvillo and experience the magic for yourself.

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