San Miguel de Allende Named the No. 1 City in Mexico, Central & South America and No. 3 in World´s Best Cities in the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2016




July 6, 2016 – New York — The colonial city of San Miguel de Allende took top honors at Travel + Leisure magazine’s World’s Best Awards 2016, where it was named “No. 1 City in Mexico and Central and South America” and No. 3 in the overall category of “World´s Best City”. The awards were determined by readers of the publication, who were surveyed from Nov. 2, 2015 to Feb. 29, 2016.
Located in the Bajio region of Mexico, in the state of Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende has enjoyed a favorable reputation because of its colonial architecture, year-round spring-like climate, colorful cultural celebrations, gastronomy and romantic setting. In recent years, it has become an important tourist center for Mexico and the world.
“It is an honor for San Miguel de Allende to be recognized by the readers of an influential magazine such as Travel + Leisure,” said Ricardo Villarreal, Mayor of San Miguel de Allende. “We accept it on behalf of a city and its citizens who welcome all its visitors with open arms and strive to provide a unique one-of-a-kind destination in Mexico and Latin America.” 
The city won the same recognition from Travel + Leisure readers in 2008, when it was also named a UNESCO World Heritage site under the title of “Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesus Nazareno de Atotonilco.” The latter distinction was granted because of the city’s cultural significance, its architectural contribution to the Mexican Baroque art and architecture movement, and also the role it played in the fight for Mexican independence.
The town has a mystical quality. Its picturesque cobblestone streets and colonial architecture — combined with colonial-era traditions both religious and secular, a spectacular natural setting and the vibrant Mexican culture — are only enhanced by the embrace of all its many facets by both the friendly locals and the diverse, melting-pot population comprised of hundreds of expats, representing 63 nationalities, who have made San Miguel de Allende their home.
The world’s most influential travel brand, Travel + Leisure offers insider access to destinations around the globe with a signature mix of smart advice, immersive photography, expert reporting and award-winning coverage of hotels, food, design, style, culture and trends.  With a global reach of more than 6.5 million readers, the U.S. edition of Travel + Leisure — which originally launched in 1971 — is today also designed for tablet readers.
About San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel de Allende, better known as “the heart of Mexico,” is considered the spot where national independence was forged, the birthplace of illustrious historical figures and a colonial urban jewel distinguished by the warmth and generosity of its people, rich history, and cultural and architectural heritage.On July 7, 2008, the city was named a UNESCO Cultural Heritage city, under the title of “Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco.” The United Nations agency awarded the city this distinction in recognition of its cultural and architectural contribution to the Mexican Baroque style of art and architecture.
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